Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wiki So Far

For our class wiki, I have contributed to three sections: New Media in Investing, New Media in Gaming, and New Media in Sports. Within the Investing subwiki, I took out what was already there because I knew there was a lot of misinformation. Coming from a finance background, I was familiar with the section I edited and was able to contribute to the subwiki by explaining in simple terms for investment banking is and what it entails. I broke the field into several segments in which people see investment banking and how the whole process works as a whole. Within the Gaming section, I added another category within the First Person Shooter section. This category was Counter Strike: Global Offensive, one of the most popular first person shooter games out there today. I am familiar with the game because I play it myself, so I was able to describe what the objective of the game is and why people find it so popular. To give people a better picture of what the game is, I included an image of Counter Strike: Global Offensive so people can see what gameplay is like. Lastly, I contributed to the Sports section by explaining how new media is used within sports. Since my term paper was very similar to what I wanted to talk about within this section, I was able to incorporate some of the research I conducted for my term paper into this part, which involves explaining the concept of digital streaming and why media companies are so eager to use this strategy nowadays.


  1. Hey Dennis! Seems interesting to read how you will be using new media for business purpose. Cant wait to read your posts!

  2. Hi Dennis, as a Finance major myself, I can vouch that investment banking can get complex and it is great that you are going to simplify it. This would help people, particularly non-business majors, understand it and have a better understanding of investing.
