Sunday, October 14, 2018

Social Networking Sites

There are so many different types of social networking websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Here are my impressions on each of them:

Facebook: Facebook is incredible for people who are strongly addicted to staying connected with close friends or eager to make new acquaintances. It is especially great for reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. With the emergence of Facebook, people are using e-mails or any other instant messaging platform less to connect with friends. They use Facebook now to chat with friends, or image-sharing and videos. In my opinion, Facebook is the most powerful social networking platform.

Twitter: Unlike Facebook, Twitter lets people send short text messages (up to 140 characters) to their friends or followers. What's interesting about Twitter is that it is a real-time information network that lets you stay updated with current events. I like to use Twitter to follow MMA journalists and reporters for the most recent news and updates regarding the MMA scene, so I know first-hand how great it is in following the news for your favorites interests or hobbies! It's a great platform for pure communication. The only thing I dislike about it is the 140-character limit.

Instagram: In my opinion, Instagram is a very young social networking platform and still has a lot of room to evolve beyond its current limits. Instagram is great for picture or video sharing in order to keep your friends, family, and followers updated on your life! It's awesome to see people connecting through talking about pictures or videos. What I've noticed recently is celebrities and athletes using Instagram for a bigger purpose, whether that is sharing their political opinion or just sending a message to everyone overall. I really like that Instagram is taking steps to improve their platform by constantly putting our new innovative updates, such as longer video capabilities and sharing your story.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is by far the best professional social networking website. I personally use it very often, checking LinkedIn at least once a day. One thing I appreciate about it is that it is very professional, which is a great change from less formal platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. It's a good opportunity to showcase your professionalism among people you respect in your interested industry. It is also great for finding jobs, which I think everyone appreciates. What I've noticed is that there isn't much room for LinkedIn to grow. I just don't see much more LinkedIn can do to really engage people.


  1. Hey Dennis!

    You touched on a lot of good points in respect to each of the four social networking sites you've mentioned. Specifically, I definitely agree with you in respect to how LinkedIn is, as you've put, "by far the best professional social networking website." Similar to your impression, I can relate to how appropriate it is for LinkedIn to remain as is--a platform founded on formalities as it is indeed a place to demonstrate your professionalism in your search for a job.

    Additionally, I know exactly what you mean when you referenced celebrities using Instagram for a "bigger purpose". Albeit, I, myself, have noticed this more so with Twitter than Instagram, but the sentiment remains. Social networking sites can be so much more than just sharing thoughts and opinions about personal details in your life, or about looking for ways to get connected (whether it be professionally or a longing for camaraderie). I think that by using their platforms to speak to their massive followings, celebrities have so much potential to do good in the world by spreading awareness. The only issue, then, becomes what if a celebrity is abusing their position and spreads bad influence? And, who gets to decide what is or isn't the "politically correct" thing to say? Where do we draw the line between common, general consensus and mob mentality?

  2. Hey Dennis, I love how you touched on LinkedIn as well considering here at Baruch, every business student is using to build their professional portfolio. It is what of these social networking sites where I see it with many potential and I cannot wait what the future of LinkedIn will have for us!
